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Please Support the Construction of Hostel Blocks for Students at CoMUI

Please Partner with the College of Medicine, University of Ibadan (CoMUI) & the Ibadan College of Medicine Alumni Association (ICOMAA) on this Laudable Hostel Project. Key Points about the CoMUI Hostel Project Half of the clinical students in the CoMUI cannot be accommodated in the present hostel facility The Medical and Dental Council of Nigeria (MDCN) has made it mandatory for all clinical students of Medicine and Dentistry to be accommodated within the premises of the hospital for CoMUI to retain accreditation for these two flagship programmes The Board of Management of the University College Hospital (UCH) has allocated 8019 sq/meters of land to CoMUI for this project. The Executive Committee of the Ibadan College of Medicine Alumni Association (ICOMAA) will partner with CoMUI to spearhead the construction of the new hostel blocks Following the construction, ICOMAA will continue to partner with CoMUI to ensure the hostel is maintained in a good condition by participating in the management of the hostel blocks You can support this laudable project by: A general donation Payment for a part of the project which shall be named after the donor such as a room, floor, block, cafeteria, or any part of the building Please watch a related video at this link For more information: Contact – Office of the Provost, College of Medicine, University of Ibadan Telephone: +234-291-4130 WhatsApp: +234-816-415-4548 email:
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Alexander Brown Hall (ABH) wears a new look

ABH has undergone an extensive renovation as part of 40th Anniversary of the College. Special appreciation to the University of Ibadan and Alumni classes that made this happen Renovation of A Block – MBBS/BDS Class of 1984 Renovation of B Block – MBBS/BDS Class of 1975 Renovation of C Block – MBBS/BDS Class of 1994 Renovation of D Block – MBBS/BDS Class of 1981 Renovation of E Block – University of Ibadan Renovation of G Block  – MBBS/BDS Class of 1989 Renovation of Cafeteria  – MBBS/BDS Class of 2000 New water supply  – MBBS/BDS Classes of 1976 & 1986 Upgrade of electric supply system  – MBBS/BDS Class of 1982
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College Alumni Relations

The College Alumni Relations office was created to cater for institutional needs of the College of Medicine Alumni and to serve as the alumni gateway to the institution; to manage relationships between the institution and its graduates; to facilitate processing of transcripts and other licensuals for the College Alumni; to provide information about the College to the Alumni and provide other assistance as regards University function. OUR VISION We aim to be prominent, respected Alumni office utilizing our resources, relationships and providing services that stimulate a life time of interests loyalty and support. OUR MISSION Our mission is to mobilize and harness the power of the alumni for positive change, to strengthen alumni relations, to set standards, to help alumni better archive their goals and to keep the conversation going. You are welcome to the Group COMUI ALUMNI RELATIONS OFFICE CONTACT: Email:, cc: Tell.: +234 8164154548. WhatsApp: +2348164154548 Telegram: +234 8164154548 Facebook: COMUI Alumni relations office Contact person: Teju Ajao Keep up with the COMUI Alumni Relations Office here
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