Student Hostels Project
The Canadian Branch of the Ibadan College of Medicine Alumni Association was incorporated in Canada in 2020 as a non-profit tax-exempt organization.
Members include graduates in Biochemistry, Dentistry, Human Nutrition, Medicine, Nursing, Pharmacy, Physiology, and Physiotherapy; as well as postgraduate degree holders in the medical sciences.
Our Dear Alumni, Members of Staff, Living Legends, Friends and Well Wishes of the College of Medicine, University of Ibadan (CoMUI), Sirs and Mas, and our dear outstanding Students
Early in the morning of Saturday 23rd September 2023, I visited the construction site of our Students’ Hostel Building Project to observe the current level of work and interact with the contractor on site as we commenced a new phase of work.
We are sharing this video as a progress report of our stewardship. You can see the visual overview of the work accomplished so far and the significant and enormous tasks that still lie ahead. Our vision for a modern and sustainable living space for our students is taking shape, and it promises to be a place where future generations of students can thrive.
As always, I invite you to be part of building this future with us. Please partner with us as we work together to make this building project a success.
We were all Built to Build!
Thank you. Please watch and share with friends, family, and potential funders. We need all hands on deck.
Olayinka Omigbodun FAS
Professor of Psychiatry and
Provost, College of Medicine, University of Ibadan.
Social Media Releases:
Join us to Build a New Hostel
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To develop ICOMAA, Canada infrastructure
To raise funds from alumni, corporations, and other donors for projects at the College and Teaching hospital in Ibadan.
To update and upgrade facilities in all departments of the College, including library services, intensive care services and an active CPR service
To promote scholarship for students, residents and faculty through technology exchange between institutions in Canada and the College
To promote and encourage networking amongst alumni
To develop a mentoring program for alumni during postgraduate Training and as junior faculty in Canadian institutions.